The Best Man Read online

Page 3

  “She’s doing fine. She told me to tell you she’s excited about owning a horse with you. She wants us all to get together the next time he runs.”

  “When do you expect that to happen?”

  “He bounced back from his last race nicely. We’re shooting for a medium level stakes race here at Arlington in three weeks.”

  “Good. As soon as you know, let me know.” She accepted his extended hand and shook it. “Thanks to both of you for your willingness to help me get started in this business. It’s been a childhood dream I nearly forgot.”

  His fingers tightened around hers. “We thank you. For everything. And we’ll help you learn the ropes. Like in any business, there are a lot of unsavory types who’d love to take advantage of newcomers—particularly a beautiful, wealthy woman. Do be careful.”

  She laughed. “I’ll try.”

  “But not too careful.” He winked. “Remember what I’ve always told you. You need to take more time for play. Maybe this four legged fellow can help with that.”

  Carefully, Kitty picked her way back down the alley. Her high heels clicking against the concrete echoed like gunfire. The next time she visited shed row she’d make a point of dressing more appropriately.

  Warily, Kitty approached the small oblong box sitting on the spare office desk. A week had passed since the yellow roses had arrived, with no additional word from Jacobs. She’d almost given up on him, thinking the flowers might have only been a gesture of apology.

  Maria had again called her to the outer office and without uttering a word pointed at the empty desk. This time Kitty knew better than to ask whether the package was a gift for her secretary.

  She swallowed. Should she open it in front of Maria, or take it back to her office? Her breathing shortened. She didn’t like Maria to make more out of these gifts than she should, but she didn’t have a clue what Jared might send her next. And she knew it was from him. To be safe, she’d better retreat with it to her office.

  Kitty ignored Maria’s groan of protest as she carried the box back into her office and closed the door.

  She set the nicely wrapped box down on her coffee table and sat down on the couch. She eyed it carefully. “This is stupid,” she muttered. The damn thing wasn’t a bomb.

  Quickly she tore the wrapping paper from the box and lifted the lid. She frowned and lifted out the yellow silk fabric. Her mouth fell open as she unfolded it to its full length. She stood and flung it around her neck. It was beautiful. It accentuated her hair coloring very nicely.

  She reached for the card.

  To my vision in yellow. In my mind’s eye it is easy to see you dressed in this Thai silk scarf. I find it difficult not to wonder if you are as silky to the touch. May you think of me when you wear it.


  “Jesus,” Kitty murmured, running her fingers over the silk. “This guy is good with words.”

  This at least answered one question. He was thinking about her. She smiled. He apparently had a rich imagination. Maybe he visualized her wearing nothing more than the yellow scarf. And he thought he might find her silky. Her loins warmed. Yes, that might be the case.

  She twirled around lightly, sending the fringed tails of the scarf flying wildly. She laughed softly. The scarf did have lots of possibilities. Had he considered tying her wrists with it and ravishing her? She smiled. That would be fine, as long as she could tie him up, too. She was typically such a control freak, but she did enjoy occasionally being out of control with a man who could satisfy her.

  Kitty shook her head and inhaled sharply. She had work to do. Should she call him? She’d gotten his home phone. Maybe tonight. Her throat tightened. No. Not yet, anyway. She didn’t have a name for the game they were playing, but they did seem to be playing one. Some men had tried to bribe her with gifts. This didn’t feel like the same thing. Instead, he seemed to be enjoying playing a fantasy with her—or was it only with his vision in yellow? She could see his dark eyes laughing as he dangled possibilities before her.

  When would he make his case for giving her the gift dangling between his legs? She moved toward her desk on shaky limbs. At the moment, he wouldn’t have to argue that case very long at all. So how long would he shower gifts on his vision in yellow before one of them blinked?

  She laughed aloud as an idea popped into her mind. She could play this game, too. Why should she wait around wondering what he might send her next?

  - o -

  Two days later, Jared strolled into the office complex he’d built between his ranch house and the stables to find a small box resting on his office desk. Frowning, he hefted it. It hardly weighed anything at all.

  He opened it gingerly and lifted the material between thumb and forefinger. He smiled broadly and then laughed hard. So his Kitty was into playing fantasy games, too.

  He set the yellow thong aside and sifted through the paper until he found the note card.

  To sunshine man with the thin mustache. Hope you don’t mind that this is used. If you have a good nose, you’ll likely discover my scent.


  Jared didn’t hesitate. He drew the fabric to his nostrils. Yes, he could detect the unmistakable scent of a woman. So she had worn it. He peered at the yellow fabric closely. He’d never been so envious of an inanimate object. The large v-shaped panel had nestled against her pussy. The single corded strand of fabric had ridden in the crease of her ass. Son of a bitch.

  Short of having her, it was the perfect gift.

  Should he send her a third gift, or should he wait? Now that he knew she was playing the same game, he fully expected a second gift to arrive in the next day or two.


  He glanced quickly toward the doorway to see his buxom administrative assistant arching an eyebrow at the slightly used gift still sitting on his desk.

  Serena Sampson’s face broke into a wide grin. “I didn’t know you were into collecting women’s underwear. You haven’t asked me for a contribution.”

  Jared hated to think he might be blushing in front of the redhead. She and her husband, who managed his ranch, had worked for him more than six years. He’d been fucking her since before she’d met Seth. He’d concurred with her choice for a husband, and Serena was right, he never had asked her for an undergarment. But then he hadn’t asked Kitty, either.

  “Hadn’t occurred to me to start a collection,” he drawled, regaining his composure, “until maybe now. So did you come in to tell me something, or to admire another woman’s panties?”

  Serena didn’t even blush. “Your ten o’clock appointment has arrived.” She tilted her head and peered down her nose over the top of her glasses. “I’ll give you a few minutes to collect yourself. Do you need any help?”

  “I’ll be okay. And I’ll come out and get Maxwell when I’m ready.”

  She nodded and retreated to the outer office, closing the door behind her.

  Jared brought Kitty’s thong to his nose and took one last sniff before putting it away. His vision in yellow had a flair for fun and games. He liked that—a lot. What would she come up with next?

  Three days passed with Jared trying not to appear too eager for the mail to arrive. He knew Serena was more than a little curious why he was hanging around the office so much. On the third day he entered the office after returning from a town lunch and his smile broadened as he approached his desk. There sat a mysterious cigar shaped package.

  He couldn’t believe the slight tremble in his fingers and the catch in his throat as he tried to rip its wrapping off.

  He lifted the box lid and howled at the simple yellow vibrator. He pulled it out and turned on its switch. It hummed. She’d even put batteries in it. Hopefully, she didn’t think this would suffice as a substitute.

  He saw a note card under the paper wrapping.

  To the sunshine man with the thin mustache. I have been told I’m quite silky. This, too, is slightly used. Feel free to use it however you see fit.


nbsp; “Son of a bitch!” He dragged the vibrator under his nose before dropping it back in its box. They couldn’t keep on like this. He’d have a heart attack if he had to open many more boxes from his vision in yellow.

  He got up from the desk and looked out across the nearby paddock at several young colts and fillies at play. It didn’t take long to reach a decision. He didn’t care if it might look like he was caving in. What matter did that make? Besides, he’d been the one to start the game.

  His trainer had shipped two horses to Arlington Park earlier in the week just in case some sort of excuse was needed. He picked up the yellow vibrator. Probably no excuses were needed or would be believed, but the horses might provide a cover for a little while.

  He stepped out of his office and ignored Serena’s questioning stare. “Serena, get me a ticket to Chicago. First flight you can get me on tomorrow.”

  “That’ll cost a bundle.”

  “Doesn’t matter. I have to get to Chicago.”

  “This Kitty woman has her hooks in you, doesn’t she?” Serena didn’t look troubled, just curious. “She must be something. I can’t remember you ever getting this excited about a woman.”

  He tilted his head to the side and waited for her to correct her own observation.

  “Well, with the exception of me, of course.”

  “Good girl,” he said, leaning down to kiss her briefly. “Glad to see you’re not losing your memory entirely. Wish me luck,” he added, heading to the door. He needed to fill his lungs with the heavy stable air.

  “Oh, I do,” Serena quipped. “You know both Seth and I do. When do you want to return?”

  He stopped and stared at the package he still clutched in his hand. “I hadn’t thought about that. Leave the return open for now.”

  “Okay, boss. I’ll get right on it.” Serena blew him a kiss. “Have fun.”

  - o -

  Frowning at the unfamiliar number on her caller I.D., Kitty nodded at the contractor she’d hired to do the rehab on a nineteen-twenties four-square she planned on reselling within the next six months. She’d been making the rounds of the four construction projects she had underway. It was her experience that if she didn’t keep routine tabs on them, the projects slowed. Contractors often responded to the squeaky wheel.

  She smiled as she carefully made her way across the sub-flooring, making sure her high heels resonated through the empty house. She knew that sound translated into power with most construction workers. As usual, she’d chosen her wardrobe with her day in mind. This was not a day for refined, potentially high-paying buyers. This was a day for making sure the men she hired didn’t forget they were working for her. In addition to her blue high heels, she’d chosen a beaded pair of blue denim hip huggers and a simple canary yellow cardigan that failed to reach her jeans.

  She avoided eye contact with the workers as she made her way to her car. She saw no need to embarrass them as they fantasized about her ass. One of her goals was to be the squeakiest wheel contractors ever heard. So far, she seemed to be meeting her goal.

  She chuckled, leaned up against the car and glanced back toward the four-square. Men working on its siding quickly found something to do. Damn, she loved being a woman.

  She punched a button on her cell, retrieving and returning the most recent call. Brushing her hair aside, Kitty brought the phone to her ear.

  She startled when she heard the deep drawl.

  “Wondered when you’d get back to me.”

  She stood taller and cleared her throat. She’d recognize his voice anywhere. She’d been thinking about it far too often. And now he’d called. What did he want? As if she didn’t know.

  “Hello,” she said softly. “Fancy hearing from you.”

  “Thought maybe I should let you know I don’t mind getting slightly used gifts.”

  She smiled broadly and idly watched a man climb a ladder and then move onto the roof of the four-square. “I’m glad. I doubt I have anything to offer that hasn’t been used.”

  His sexy chuckle immediately pebbled her nipples. “That is appealing. I’m a man who prefers experience to naiveté.”

  Kitty began to pace, imagining Jared smoothing out his thin mustache. How long should she play with him? Should she invite him to Chicago? Maybe she ought to fly to San Diego. It did seem like they’d done enough dancing. She was ready to satisfy her curiosity about his mustache. Certainly he wouldn’t have qualms about getting his precious mustache wet with a woman’s juices?

  “You busy this afternoon?”

  The question and the soft chuckle jarred her to a standstill. “What?”

  “You heard me. I’ve got a horse running in the seventh race. Should go off around four-twenty. If you could get here by then, you might bring me some good luck.”

  “Good luck?” She scowled. “Where the hell are you?”

  “Oh, did I forget to tell you?” His voice crackled with mirth. “I’m sitting here at Arlington Park. So can you come out here for me?”

  “Jesus,” Kitty mumbled under her breath. “You expect me to drop everything and hustle out to Arlington?” She glanced at her watch. “There wouldn’t even be time to go home and change.”

  “I wasn’t expecting anything.” He paused. “I was hoping. You can’t be overdressed or underdressed at a track. Anything goes here. Are you wearing yellow?”

  She smiled. “Matter of fact, I am. I’m wearing a yellow top.”

  “That’s good enough for me. So are you going to come?”

  She smacked her lips. She sure as hell wanted to. “If I leave the construction site now, and depending on traffic, I should make it by three. Will that be soon enough?”

  “That’ll be great. We’ll grab a bite to eat after the races. I’ll wait for you at the main entrance around three. Bye.”

  “I’ll be there.” She clicked her phone shut and puffed her cheeks up, then slowly released the air.

  This was it. Damn, she loved the chase. She slid in behind the steering wheel. And she loved those initial bouts of lovemaking—getting to know a man’s body and teaching a man what she liked.

  She drove down the street a short distance and parked. She reached for her bag, pulled out a brush and ran it through her hair, then freshened her lipstick. She smiled at her reflection in the hand mirror. It would have to do. Hopefully he wasn’t an old fashioned man turned off by hip huggers. Kitty smoothed out her top.

  She tilted her head at her reflection and flashed an eyebrow. What the hell. She glanced around, discreetly slid her hands up under her cardigan, and unsnapped her bra. Laughing hard, she stuffed it in the glove compartment.

  Kitty settled back behind the wheel and drove off. She was ready for the races. She was surprised he’d come to Chicago for her. The racehorses were an obvious ruse.

  Now that he was here, she saw no point in sending him home without getting a little of what he hoped for. She checked her speedometer and slowed. It was difficult not to get excited about their next gift exchange.


  “Hot damn,” Jared mumbled as he recognized the tall blonde in hip huggers and a yellow top picking her way through other spectators towards where he stood.

  He swallowed hard, his penis immediately springing to life. Cripes. He’d remembered her as a vision in yellow, but with sunshine bouncing off her pale hair and yellow top he was sure his eyes were playing tricks on him. Vision or real, he inhaled and rubbed his hands together. This woman was definitely worth the trip.

  Her gaze never swayed from the doorway as she neared. She looked like a determined woman on a mission. He coughed slightly—he liked the idea that he was her mission. The only thing that bothered him was knowing she hadn’t dressed that sexy specifically for him. So who the hell else was she trying to impress with her curves? Sorenson hadn’t been able to identify a regular lover.

  Whoever it was had better step aside while he was in town. He might tire of his women quickly, but he wasn’t ready to share her. She’d b
e free to roam soon enough. He waved a beckoning hand at her. Smiling broadly, she waved back when she spied him. His heart skipped a beat. The damn woman made him feel half his age.

  “Hi,” she breathed, kissing him on the cheek. “I hope I’m not too underdressed for you.”

  He groaned and hugged her close, relishing the feel of her braless breasts crushing against his chest. He slid his hands down her spine until his fingers rested on her bare skin above her jeans. Even her skin felt warm like sunshine.

  He blinked and broke away, taking her by hand. “Lady, I can’t imagine you ever being too undressed for my tastes.”

  She squeezed his fingers without a hint of a blush. “We may have to see about that. So where is this horse I’m supposed to be a good luck charm for?”

  He laughed easily. “Damn, it’s good to see you. I’ve got a box reserved. My trainer doesn’t like me to drop by before the race. He’s sort of superstitious about that. He figures owners make the filly nervous.”

  “It’s difficult to imagine you making a filly nervous.” She smiled evenly and checked her watch. “So do you have a favorite in the next race?”

  She made no effort to retrieve her hand from his as he guided her up a ramp to their box.

  - o -

  Kitty peeked at the man sitting next to her studying the Daily Racing Form. While she’d frequented the track often enough to know the Form was considered the biblical source for all things important about the horses on the day’s racing card, she’d never bothered to learn how to read the coded numbers charting a horse’s past performances. Given her recent purchase, she might need to master that arcane art.

  Jared Jacobs wasn’t fooling her by his apparent nonchalant attitude as he seemingly paid more attention to the Form than to her. His knee casually rested against her thigh. Was that his heartbeat or hers she could feel pounding where they touched?